من با توجه به اموزش هایgithub می خوام یک تصویر رو به یک لایه کانولشنی در تنسوفلو بدم.عکس من 32*32 و رنگی هست.بنابراین reshape کردم
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import math
مشخصات کرنل
filter_size1 = 5 # Convolution filters are 5 x 5 pixels.
num_filters1 = 16 # There are 16 of these filters.
Convolutional Layer 2.
filter_size2 = 5 # Convolution filters are 5 x 5 pixels.
num_filters2 = 36 # There are 36 of these filters.
Fully-connected layer.
fc_size = 128 # Number of neurons in fully-connected layer.
مشخصات عکس
img_size = 32
Images are stored in one-dimensional arrays of this length.
img_size_flat = img_size * img_size
Tuple with height and width of images used to reshape arrays.
img_shape = (img_size, img_size)
Number of colour channels for the images: 1 channel for gray-scale.
num_channels = 3
تابع برای کانوالو کردن
def new_conv_layer(input, # The previous layer.
num_input_channels, # Num. channels in prev. layer.
filter_size, # Width and height of each filter.
num_filters, # Number of filters.
use_pooling=True): # Use 2x2 max-pooling.
# Shape of the filter-weights for the convolution.
# This format is determined by the TensorFlow API.
shape = [filter_size, filter_size, num_input_channels, num_filters]
# Create new weights aka. filters with the given shape.
weights = new_weights(shape=shape)
# Create new biases, one for each filter.
biases = new_biases(length=num_filters)
# Create the TensorFlow operation for convolution.
# Note the strides are set to 1 in all dimensions.
# The first and last stride must always be 1,
# because the first is for the image-number and
# the last is for the input-channel.
# But e.g. strides=[1, 2, 2, 1] would mean that the filter
# is moved 2 pixels across the x- and y-axis of the image.
# The padding is set to 'SAME' which means the input image
# is padded with zeroes so the size of the output is the same.
layer = tf.nn.conv2d(input=input,
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
# Add the biases to the results of the convolution.
# A bias-value is added to each filter-channel.
layer += biases
# Use pooling to down-sample the image resolution?
if use_pooling:
# This is 2x2 max-pooling, which means that we
# consider 2x2 windows and select the largest value
# in each window. Then we move 2 pixels to the next window.
layer = tf.nn.max_pool(value=layer,
ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
# Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU).
# It calculates max(x, 0) for each input pixel x.
# This adds some non-linearity to the formula and allows us
# to learn more complicated functions.
layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
# Note that ReLU is normally executed before the pooling,
# but since relu(max_pool(x)) == max_pool(relu(x)) we can
# save 75% of the relu-operations by max-pooling first.
# We return both the resulting layer and the filter-weights
# because we will plot the weights later.
return layer, weights
وزن ها
def new_weights(shape):
return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.05))
def new_biases(length):
return tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.05, shape=[length]))
ریختن تصویر در یک placeholder و reshape
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, img_size_flat], name='x')
x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1, img_size, img_size, num_channels])
لایه کانولوشن
layer_conv1, weights_conv1 = \
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