میتونید از این تابع در متلب استفاده کنید
function Iout = readAndPreprocessImage(filename)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
I = imread(filename);
% Some images may be grayscale. Replicate the image 3 times to
% create an RGB image.
if ismatrix(I)
I = cat(3,I,I,I);
% Resize the image as required for the CNN.
Iout = imresize(I, [227 227]);
% Note that the aspect ratio is not preserved. In Caltech 101, the
% object of interest is centered in the image and occupies a
% majority of the image scene. Therefore, preserving the aspect
% ratio is not critical. However, for other data sets, it may prove
% beneficial to preserve the aspect ratio of the original image
% when resizing.